How To Run a Successful Health and Wellness Program

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Why Do You Need A Health and Wellness Program?

✔️ Many organizations negotiate healthcare costs based on employee health, leading to cost savings if the team is healthier.

✔️ Harvard researchers found that for every dollar spent on employee wellness, medical costs fell by $3.27 and absenteeism dropped by $2.73, resulting in a 6-to-1 return on investment.

✔️ The Rand Wellness Programs Study showed that the disease management component of a wellness program was responsible for 86% of the hard health care cost savings, generating $136 in savings per member, per month, and a 30% reduction in hospital admissions.

5 Must-Haves For a Successful Health And Wellness Program

Enrollment Plan

Design Plan

Merch Plan

Communication Plan

Exercise Plan

Enrollment Plan

For people to make real change they have to be enrolled in the journey. Enrollment is not forced. It’s voluntary. There is a difference between education and learning. Education is forced. Learning is voluntary. We learn faster and grow faster if we WANT to do it. We need to be enrolled in the journey. The goal is not just to get people signed up. You want to get them enrolled! We recommend the 3 E’s to get the program started.

Excite, Engage, and Enroll


✔️ Excitement is what you create when you promote the program. This is when you tell the team about the program. You explain the potential results. This is when you talk about the impact on the team and on them personally.


✔️ Engage is when you get them to sign up. You give them their first cool branded merch to help them identify as a part of the tribe.


✔️ Enrollment is the process of getting their buy-in. They may have signed up, but you need to continue to motivate and inspire them to get started on the right foot!

Design Plan

While you can certainly use your company logo on the merch, we think it works best if you create something special. Make no mistake, your health and wellness design should match your branding guidelines to maintain continuity. But we think having a special design will help to announce to the team who is taking part in the journey. This allows to members of the team to build camaraderie on the journey and to lift each other up. By making a special design for the program, you can make your team members feel special in the process.

Merch Plan

We say all of the time “Friends don’t let friends do bad merch!” And while you might expect to hear that from a company that sells branded merch, we believe it because it’s about affecting human behavior. If you and your organization do trashy branded merch in your health and wellness program it will not encourage people to sign up. And if you don’t get enrollment, you will not affect any change. This does NOT mean you need to break the bank. But you do need to focus on items that will fit the goals and encourage people to jump in. It takes a commitment and a plan.

Communication Plan

If you have ever started a new fitness program, you know that maintaining consistency and motivation is a huge factor in success. We believe that creating a communication (or inspiration) plan that reaches out to participants consistently can help to increase their chances of success. While you may be completely self-motivated, most of us are not. A coach or a voice of encouragement can really help to push people to do their best.

Exercise Plan

A great Health and Wellness plan is not only about exercise anymore. The best plans help your team to focus on mental wellness as well. This might come in the communication/inspiration plan above. But it should include a fitness plan as well. As studies will tell you, your overall fitness will help shape your mental wellness too. So make sure to consider ways to get your team active in a real and positive way!.

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